The morning sets the tone

How long have you been planning your wedding? Even if it’s been months (or years) you will have expectation of what it will be like getting ready. Whether your bridal party is small or large here are a few tips to make to banish any pre wedding nerves and to have fun from the very…

Can you really afford not to have a wedding photographer?

Budget. It’s the one thing that people are very aware of when it comes to their wedding day. Rightly so of course. There’s no point in putting yourself into debt for one day. However, this unfortunately leads couples to think that they can’t afford a wedding photographer and they ask friends and family to take…


Are you panicking about your wedding? Costs too much? The idea of being in front of 200 people bringing that sinking feeling to your stomach? I’m guessing the idea of Eloping is such looking like a better idea? Let’s stop. Press the pause button for a second. Your wedding is just that YOUR wedding. Like…